Hello world!

I'm Kevin. I believe that code is more than just ones and zeroes. I believe coding is a craft that involves as much creativity as any other form of art. I'm a proponent of the worse is better philosophy, and I think making things easier to understand is better than making things more complicated.

I support diversity in tech, and I believe I have a responsibility to open the door for new coders- especially those who feel unwelcome, or who might not know how fun it is.

I'm always looking for ways to get more involved in education, outreach, and mentorship, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

By day, I'm a software engineer at Google.

I currently work for engEDU, where I help build the platforms used by initiatives like CS First, Applied Digital Skills, and various internal programs.

Previously, I was the tech lead of a team within Google Maps. Here are some articles about projects I've been involved in:

I also helped run Software Product Sprint (formerly called CodeU) by writing the curriculum and projects that the program used from 2017 - 2022.

SPS is currently on hiatus, but you can find more info in these articles written by former participants:

By night, I'm an adjunct professor at Millersville University.

I post all of my class content online, and I'd love to connect with other teachers who want to reuse it in their own classrooms.

By later night, I post coding tutorials at HappyCoding.io!

The tutorials start with the fundamentals in Processing and p5.js, and go through more advanced topics including Java, web development, server-side coding, Google Cloud, Android, and libGDX.

Come say hi on the forum!

I also sporadically post random thoughts to my blog. Here are a few of my favorites:

On Stack Overflow I mostly lurk in various Processing tags. I believe in helping people through the process of solving their own problems.

Here are some fun posts:

And some other random nerdiness:

Sometimes I take pictures.

See more at photos.KevinWorkman.com.

Here's my full resume.

At this point in my career, I'm not really interested in a traditional software engineering role. I'm more interested in finding a job that aligns with my personal values and contains a mix of coding / building, writing curriculum content, and working directly with students and / or teachers.

If you're recruiting for a position like that, GET AT ME.
